Gastroenterologic Procedures, Devices and Therapies
These are the AT&T CarePlus covered procedures and services effective January 1, 2023. Prior approval is required, please contact CarePlus customer care at 1-877-261-3340.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS):
Educating patients on the diagnosis, setting treatment goals and teaching thinking and behavioral skills to help manage IBS. Helps an IBS patient identify and manage the factors that cause IBS flareups. Includes 10 sessions annually.
The application of pulsating electrical current through acupuncture needles to treat chronic constipation and possibly gastroparesis.
Innovative Health IB-Stim:
A topical nerve stimulator used to block the pain related to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in adolescents. For Eligible Dependent children ages 11-18 diagnosed with IBS.
LINX™ Reflux Management System
For prevention of esophageal reflux and other symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Plenity® – A space-occupying weight loss device ingested to create a full feeling and prevent overeating. You must have a body mass index (BMI) over 30 to be eligible. Requires annual recertification of BMI over 30
Wireless Esophageal pH Monitoring (Covered only for participants who do not have coverage for this service under their Base Medical Program)